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Class 2 Atlantic Ocean

Welcome to Class 2 - Atlantic Ocean.


We have a very exciting year ahead and I am sure the children will enjoy learning and working together. Below is information about our class routines to help parents have a feel of what your children are doing and when. For more detailed information, please see the subject pages on our Class 2 page.


Class 2's Teacher is Mr Scully and our Teacher in Training is Mrs Houghton.


Our topic this term is 'Emperors and Empires'

In the Emperors and Empires project, your child will learn about the growth and decline of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. They will discover the absolute power of the Roman emperors and study the hierarchies of Roman society and the Roman army. They will study the first invasions of Britain in 55 and 54 BC and the Roman conquest of Britain in AD 43. They will learn about Boudicca’s rebellion, Hadrian’s Wall and the Romanisation of Britain, including how Christianity came to Britain and investigate the legacy of Roman Britain in their local area.



Our text this term is The Goose Guards by Terry Deary which we will also be using in our English lessons. Our spelling will continue to focus on our 'orange words' as well as our weekly spelling units. Our GAPS themes are nouns in Year 3 and Standard English in Year 4.



Our Maths themes this half term are decimals, money, time and shape. Each Monday and Friday we will be working hard with our Beat That Maths to help us learn and recall quickly our times tables facts up to x12.



Our RE topic is 'For Christians, when Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost? (Kingdom of God) 



Our Science topics for this half term are Light and Plants.



Our PSHE topic is Money Matters.



Class 2 will have a PE lesson on a Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has the correct kit for these days. Swimming lessons will also be on Tuesday afternoons.



We will also be enjoying music lessons on a Tuesday morning with the Wider Opportunities scheme with each child learning how to play a brass instrument which will be brought home each week for the children to practise.



Homework will be sent home on a Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday. Each week children will have a Maths and English piece to complete in their homework book. In addition, children will be expected to read each day and this is to be recorded in their reading record diary which should be returned each day. We also use TT Rockstars which can be accessed at home and this is a fun way to learn and improve their times tables knowledge.

I have also set our regular 'Termly Together' project which links to our topic. Please see the Misty Mountain, Winding River topic page and choose which activity your child would like to do.


Throughout each day we will also be taking part in fun activities such as the Daily Mile and Go Noodle which the children enjoy.

If you have any questions please speak to me at the end of the day or contact me at school.


Mr Scully & Mrs Houghton

Black History Month

Below is a link to some websites looking at, and teaching us about, Black History Month. October is the usual time when Black History is highlighted although it does not have to just be October. We have been discussing and looking at these links in school but feel free to take a look at home.

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