School Logo

How do we share the Word of God in our school?

Bishop's Badge June 2024

Well Dressing 2024

Mr and Mrs Briddon 12 June 2024 Feeding of the Five Thousand

Hannah from MAST 10th June 2024

Hannah from MAST sharing the story about Moses 29.04.24

Mr and Mrs Briddon 24th April 2024

Hannah from MAST shared the Easter Story on Monday 18th March 2024

Mr and Mrs Briddon Jesus Calms the Storm 6th March 2024

Collective Worship each week in Church

Our visit to Derby Cathedral 20th December 2023

Christingle 18th December 2023

Carol Concert 15th December 2023

Shepherd and the Sheep Nativity story with Mr and Mrs Briddon

Advent Collective Worship with Rev'd Adele

Hannah MAST The Christmas Story 27 November 2023

Children In Need

Hannah MAST 23rd October 2023

Mr and Mrs Briddon 4th October The story of Ruth

Harvest Service 2 October 2023

Hannah MAST September 2023

Mr and Mrs Briddon 21 June 2023 The Good Samaritan

Hannah sharing the story of Joseph and Jacob 19th June 2023

Mr & Mrs Briddon April 2023 - Stranger on the Shore story

Wednesday 29th March 2023

Mr and Mrs Briddon shared the Bible story of 'David the boy shepherd' with us. We all enjoyed the story and the song we all sang.

Monday 30th January 2023

Thank you to Hannah from the MAST team for leading our Collective Worship on Monday with the story of Noah and the Ark as part of the Creation Story.

Monday 9th January 2023

Thank you to Rev Adele for leading our Collective Worship today on the Epiphany. We enjoyed singing our Three Kings song.

Geoff and Jane celebrated All Saints Day

Daniel and the Lions
