Governors Area
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities, terms of appointment and resignations for each Governor.
Name | Position | Term of office | Committees | Special responsibilities | Governance role in other school | Register of Personal/Pecuniary Interest |
Mr Mark Shearing (Chair of Governors) | Parent Governor | 21.07.2022- 21.05.2028 | Finance and Resource Committee. Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Committee. Chair of Performance Committee. | Link Governor for Curriculum (exc. English, RE) Link Governor for Maths Representative for Youlgrave Scout and Community Youth Hall. Governor Training and Responsibilities | None | None Declared |
Mrs Rachel Shooter (Vice Chair of Governors)
| Foundation Governor | 20.05.2022-20.05.2026 | Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Committee. Finance and Resource Committee. | Link Governor for English Link Governor for Pupil Premium Chair of Disciplinary Panels | None | Employed by the Department for Education |
Teresa Nicholls | Interim Executive Headteacher | December 2024- |
| Headteacher at Biggin Primary School | Headteacher at Biggin Primary School |
Lucy Barnwell | Foundation Governor | 11.05.2023-10.05.2027 | Chair of Finance and Resources Committee | Link Governor for GDPR | None Declared | None |
Mrs Lisa Bingham | Foundation Governor (parent) | 01.09.2020- 31.08.2024
| Chair of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Committee.
| Link Governor for Religious Education (RE) (shared) and Collective Worship (CW) Link Governor for Safeguarding. | None | None Declared |
Vicky Jones | Foundation Governor | 05.07.2023 04.07.2027 |
| Link Governor for SEND Link Governor for Wellbeing. |
Jane Orley | Clerk | From 12.07.2021 |
| Clerk at LMS | None Declared |
Mrs Mandy Stafford-Wood | Staff Governor | 20.09.22-20.09.26 | Finance and Resource Committee. |
| None | None Declared |
Vacancies | 2 x Foundation Governors 1 x Local Authority Governor
2022 – 2023 Governor Resignations/ Term of office expired | |
Mrs Jane Ide - Foundation Governor/Chair of Governors | Resignation July 2022 |
Ms Nicola Phillips - | Resignation 12th October 2022 |
Mrs Anne Cooper - | Resignation 2023 |
Mrs Gemma Smith - | Resignation December 2023 |
Mr David Room | End of term Jan 2024 |