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Year 4

Homework is set each week and allows the children to practice and go over the learning from the week or age related work in English and Maths.

Homework is given out on Friday and should be brought back in by the following Wednesday. Children are expected to complete their homework neatly, thinking about their presentation at all times.


In addition to the weekly set homework, children should read each evening at home. They can read to someone at home and this can be recorded in their reading record that needs to be brought in each day. We are focusing on reading with expression as well as fluency so please comment on how your child is reading in the comment box in their reading record.


TT Rockstars is also a great way to practice and improve our times tables recall. Each child has their own log in username and password and it would be great if children could have a go as much as possible over the week. This really does help with their recall of all facts up to 12x tables.


As always, if you have any questions about any of the homework please pop in to see me in school or at home time.


Mr Scully 
