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Homework will be given out on a Friday and expected to be handed back into the class teacher by the following Wednesday.

The children will always receive something related to their most recent maths topic or lesson. This will enable them to independently complete the task.

They will also receive a piece of homework relating to English. This may be a task related to the most recent writing genre, reading or grammar related. Again, this should be accessible to all children.

There may also be occasions where the children will be set a task a task on MyMaths or a tournament on TTRS. All of your children’s login details should be in their reading record book.

There is an expectation that children in Class 3 are reading every evening (a minimum of three times a week)

A reminder Parent Hub message will be sent out, if there are any problems with homework please speak with myself (Miss Hemmingway) and I can work with your child/ren to support them with the tasks.

Friday 22nd November Homework- no book due to snow- Look up the History of Snow Globes and create an information leaflet. Then use the template to create your own Snow globe.
